Saturday, March 19, 2011

Horrible, just horrible...

For a girl who doesn't like to sit still, or if I have to sit still there must be some sort of crafting going on, having wrist surgery really stinks.  So, I'm sitting here typing with one hand, thinking about all the things I COULD be doing right now, like finishing a quilt, or working on one of the numerous knitting projects I have on needles right now.  Oh well, this, too, shall pass...


  1. You can make it!
    Learn to crochet? You really only need one functional hand for that, right?
    Or you could try knitting looms! They don't take two hands!

  2. Thanks for that idea. I haven't crocheted in a couple of years, but I'm having crafting withdrawls.

  3. Ouch! Maybe use this time to put together a wish list of projects, read other blogs, run around the house screaming. I'm not much help. All my surgeries have been the type that didn't limit my knitting. Not sure I'd handle wrist or hand surgery very well. I hope you heal quickly.
